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What is hypnosis?

HYPNOSIS or as I like to call it, TRANCE or ALTERED STATE of mind can be described as a state of deep relaxation where the individual being hypnotized has a heightened level of awareness, coupled with a narrowing of their focus.

During a hypnotic trance the individual has an enhanced capacity to respond to positive suggestions, its really like talking to the subconscious mind by bypassing the conscious mind. 


I have personally found hypnosis and NLP techniques combined, to be a powerful life changing experience.



hypnosis Myths 

I will perform embarrassing acts, such as bark like a dog or walk like a chicken

This assumption is based on stage hypnosis or films. 

The truth is that these people want to be on stage. You will never do anything that you do not want to do. 

HYPNOSIS or ALTERED STATE is... well are we or are we not in an altered state right now?  

Focused in to the screen and reading unaware of our surroundings, until attention is brought to it. 

Similar to driving a car and you can not remember the last roundabout you had taken, your mind was in an altered state.

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